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Become a Volunteer or Member

Join our Team!

Our goal is that our members are proud to be members and most importantly want to be a part of building up Agriculture and the youth in Harris County!

Membership benefits may be a little clunky the first few years with limited budgets and growing pains but our vision is that we will build up to a strong association together.

Annual Registration Options Explained:

1. Volunteer - Want to help with the fair but do not necessarily want to be invited to association meetings or take part in the overall management/association.
2. Non-Voting Member - Will not be considered within the required quorum to take votes. We offer non-voting memberships because some organizations have a difficult time moving forward with votes from lack of participation to obtain a quorum and to lower membership fees. For 2024, non-voting members receive a grounds pass.
3. Voting Member - Will be counted as part of the required quorum to take votes during changes to by-laws, directors, executive board members per the by-laws. (Must attend the yearly meeting following the Fair). All Executive board members, Directors, and Committee Chairs shall be a voting member. For 2024, voting association members receive a grounds pass and a commemorative membership badge.

For those who want to become Volunteers, on behalf of the Harris County Fair and Rodeo TEAM, we want to thank you for your interest in volunteering. We know how hard it is to spare time in your schedules and we appreciate your time and capabilities to serve our Harris County youth. Our volunteers to-date share great pride and passion for our community, youth and supporting agriculture. They are passionate people, who will be and are the backbone of our success so far. We are grateful for their dedicated service!!!!

Member and Volunteer Registration Form

Personal Information

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(Select all that apply)


Click if you agree and upload signed form below  

UPLOAD Signed Indemnity Form here



Annual Association Membership (optional)
Association Membership Fee: non-Voting
Association Membership Fee - Voting

Area of Interest

Volunteer Interests
Check all that you're interested in

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